Alina Schellig

13. Februar 2023

The Spiritual Approach to Recovery

Filed under: Sober living — admin @ 21:34

physical allergy mental obsession spiritual malady

At Jaywalker Lodge, we can only in good conscience back and employ the process which we know to be successful. As addicts we can become so focused on the outward form our addiction takes – whether that booze, drugs, sex, overeating, etc. – that we overlook its deep roots at the core of our being. This spiritual malady is the restless spirit, the soul sickness that if left untreated will begin to ooze symptoms of emotional insecurity worry, anger, self-pity, and depression, even if we have been sober for years. The Phenomenon of Craving is a distinct, pronounced, physiological reaction to the “first one” that is entirely unique to those that suffer from addictive disease. This abnormal reaction to drugs and alcohol is terminal, meaning there is no known cure.

From the Vault: Powerlessness & Unmanageability with Kelly Williams Studying the Steps

  • Group therapy is also where one can begin to build the essential community that can help people both during and after treatment.
  • The brain ultimately becomes diseased and can no longer be relied upon to act in its own defense.
  • Alcohol is the allergen, and if we are to recover, we must abstain entirely from alcohol in any form.
  • On page 62 the text explains that “Selfishness-self-centeredness!
  • This step summarises the ideas of sensitization and the obsessions.

Addressing the spiritual malady is truly one of the best ways to avoid a relapse, and relapses are much more common than many people may think. Thankfully, the “spiritual malady” is no longer a “missing piece” of Step One for me. In [1] alcoholism is said to consist in a ‘physical allergy’ and a ‘mental obsession’ and its treatment centers on ‘spiritual malady’.

Addressing the Three-Fold Illness and Other Ways to Heal in Glenwood Springs

Once turning to substances many of these people struggle to maintain the same focus on the other priorities they had. Thankfully, the “spiritual malady” is no longer a “missing piece” of Step One for me. It is a reality of my powerlessness and unmanageability and enables me to see why I so desperately need to seek a Power Greater than myself. And unless this malady is recognized, and a course of action (the Twelve Steps) is taken to enable God to remove it, the root of our alcoholic illness can lie dormant and burn us when we least expect it. It simply means we are spiritually blocked off from the Power of God, which enables us to remain sober, happy, joyous, and free.

  • Thankfully, the “spiritual malady” is no longer a “missing piece” of Step One for me.
  • In fact, studies have been done on twins to try to determine if there is a genetic predisposition for a substance use disorder, typically with mixed results.

Review of evidence-based strategies to treat alcohol use disorder

And unless this malady is recognized, and a course of action (the  Twelve Steps) is taken to enable God to remove it, the root of our alcoholic illness can lie dormant and  burn us when we least expect it. To conclude, it’s not my body — my allergic reaction to alcohol — that’s going to take me back to drinking. It’s really not my mind — the mental obsession — that is the underlying root of what will take me back to drinking. It’s the “spiritual malady”, as manifested by my EGO (selfishness-self-centeredness), that can eventually lead me back to drinking or sometimes even suicide.

physical allergy mental obsession spiritual malady

Chronic use will lead to co-occurring medical issues that are often serious and can be fatal if not addressed. Now, the mental obsession is the reason that many people consider a relapse (or “pre-lapse”) to happen long before the actual drink or drug has ever been taken. The mind of someone struggling with active addiction is often solely focused on when and where their next use will occur.

What does Alcoholics Anonymous mean by “Physical Allergy”?

These are the lifelong habits that are started and taught at Jaywalker Lodge as a comprehensive initiation into a life of recovery. Anybody would be happy with the method that made them well, but that wouldn’t be enough reason to recommend it to everyone. Alcoholism and addiction are a complex disease, and in our experience both personal and professional, they are not addressed and treated anywhere more thoroughly than the 12-Step process. More straightforward facilities that focus on healthy coping mechanisms.

The Mind is also Abnormal

They also experience an ineffable quality from becoming spiritual – one  where their feelings go beyond mere words. Addicts and alcoholics may rid themselves of their drug how long do hangovers last or alcohol dependency by completing the Twelve Step process. This will allow them to undergo the required shift in thought that will free them from their addiction.

physical allergy mental obsession spiritual malady

physical allergy mental obsession spiritual malady

Addiction and alcoholism are both a 3 fold disease, meaning there are three distinct areas that alcoholism affects and the reason you cannot stop drinking and using. Burning Tree Ranch is a specialty program dedicated to the treatment of chronic addiction and mental health. Our program is long-term, progress-based, and highly intensive. Alcoholics Anonymous bases the 12-step program on 12 affirmations, or what they call 12 traditions.

Spirituality: A Key Component of the Salvation Army’s Bridge Programme Model of Treatment in Aotearoa New Zealand

Yes, this Higher Power may certainly be a religious God or spiritual diety. But, it may also be a connection to nature or the trust in others in a recovery community. As long as this Higher Power is something that can be relied upon for supreme guidance when the mental obsession kicks in or the physical allergy begins to take hold.

  • These are the lifelong habits that are started and taught at Jaywalker Lodge as a comprehensive initiation into a life of recovery.
  • Almost everyone who evolves spiritually has certain key characteristics, according to the book.
  • Without a program of recovery, an addict will always be on the losing end of an internal negotiation to make good decisions around their addictive behaviors.
  • Many people conflate spirituality with religion when it comes to recovery.
  • What we learn in recovery is that the problem centers in the mind.
  • Therefore, they must make an effort to establish a rapport with this higher power.

physical allergy mental obsession spiritual malady

To beat their addiction, people must face the reality that there is indeed a power larger than themselves. Therefore, they must make an effort to establish a rapport with this higher power. This step summarises the ideas of sensitization and the obsessions. A accepts that if he has a drink, the chances are he will end up drinking far more than he wanted to or intended to when he started out and that resolutions never to drink again are very likely to fail. Other methods may work for certain people, and they have every right to explore the help available to them. We tried many other methods, and we still found ourselves in desperate need of real help.

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